Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's been how long???

I have no idea where I left off last, I barely have time to get on here long enough to do more then check email and facebook now...

New things:

Faith started walking. She has only really done it one time, a few weeks ago, and every now and then she takes a few more steps. She seems to like to make sure she knows what she is doing, and will do it in her own timing. She also is scheduled to see the seizure clinic, at a hospital out of town in April. Until then, we continue praying against seizures and any ill effect from the hydrocephalus. We saw the ENT yesterday and apparently Faith has some negative pressure in her right ear, which may eventually lead to tubes. No biggie, we will go back in April to reassess her hearing again. We are heading to her eye appointment outta town soon too, and hopefully they will make some sort of decision then. It is hard to patch a 1 year old...she either pulls it off or falls asleep...and the therapists we are seeing are quite pleased with her progress. The OT is suggesting that we work with a brace for Faiths thumbs, until she learns how to use them properly...I had never even thought of something like that before. What we take for granted is truly amazing! I am thankful today that my thumbs work...I couldn't imagine not having them!!

Mr Hockey has been saving for the past few months for his missions trip. At first they were going to go to South Africa, but there has been a change in plans and instead they are heading to Guyana. They will be going with a great group and it sounds like they will have a great time. It is starting to hit me that I am sending him off so far away!! Oh we have to prepare...passports, immunizations, all that fun stuff!!

We have totally fallen off our budget and are hoping to get back on by March. 1 small check really affected us a whole lot...we need to get out of that place now. We will be working on that this month.

I have started going to a TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) program and in the first week lost 3 pounds. I was the biggest loser!! I can't wait to see what I can lose for next week. I have been setting new goals each week, so last week my goal was to not eat any chips. I met that goal!! I haven't had chips now in over a week. This week my goal is no eating after 7pm. So, I turned down donuts tonight! I am hoping that these goals are habits that will be formed in my life. They are healthy and sensible. I think I will have some kind of walking goal I will start next week.

I also entered Faith into a baby photo contest. It is for the Live with Regis and Kelly show. I have really never entered my kids into anything. Too much work and anxiety associated with those things, but I did. We will see what happens the week of March 9...

I have also gone coupon crazy!! The last few receipts I have are along the lines of 7 items for $5. I find a thrill in that. We have been using coupons on items that are on sale, so that makes them even better! We have a movie coupon that we may use tomorrow or we will wait until April, but it does all add up, the savings.

We have started a Friday night cooking group...yeah, that is what I am going to call it. My sister and I were just going to make some soup to freeze, and another girl joined...this week I think we are going to make egg rolls, for $8 we will each have about 26 egg rolls...not bad. But, I think that there are around 5 of us now...or maybe. It is always more fun to cook with friends then it is by yourself (and cheaper).

Anyhow, I am gonna run now. Will post more when I get the chance.


  1. sounds like Faith is doing really well to be walking! that is so amazing!
    a friend of mine out here just had a baby girl last week, she started having seisures and they found that her brain is bleeding and there is a lot of fluid in her brain, the ultrasound never showed anything and she was delivered by scheduled C-section, anyways I told others about Faith and we have been praying for her, the baby's name is Eden, and she is improving! God is a good God

    and WAY to go on the weight loss!! you go girl!
