My dreams have been so vivid lately. I can remember furniture, faces, words that I read. I don't think they have ever been so vivid, except for the time that I dreamed my husband died...that one was waaay to clear to me...
But, it has been a while since that has happened to me, and I am sure that I dream, I just haven't been remembering them at all.
A few weeks ago, I dreamt about one of my friends who went to school with me. I emailed her and let her know, but I wonder if she thought that was just weird...so, I wondered if I should tell people or not...
Then, the beginning of this week, I dreamt about a giant, literally. It was kind of like David and Goliath, but there was no David it was me. I could actually see myself running through the city and chasing after this giant. The giant was huge. Over the buildings in the city. For some reason he came into the city (it was Toronto, or some other big metropolis) and started teasing people. I can't remember really, what he was saying, but he was there. No armour, not really biblical...(I wondered at first).
He was running away for some reason and I was chasing in him the car. The roads were almost like the ones in the Dr. Seuss books, all windy and loopy, and I was driving down them after the giant and when I got close enough to deal with him, I woke up...
So, I probably have some giant in my life that I haven't dealt with yet...I don't know...what do you think?
Then last night I had another wild dream, and remembered most of it...It wasn't about me this time, but about a different friend. I emailed her already to see what she thinks. This one was cool though, I can remember some of the words and definitely remember the picture, with detail, that I looked at...
I am glad that I can remember these dreams again. I used to remember them all the time and then I think I just got too tired to dream...or remember but now they are back!! Now I need to get book and write them all down...maybe one day they will have some meaning to me.
my cousin took a course on interpreting dreams, she is really good at it with aid from the HS,.. if you want I can give you her email or shash can and you tell her your dreams, she gets really into the details, like what colors there were and what feelings you had, what stood out the most. She told me that dreams in color are from God, and dreams in black and white are not and it is a HUGE way that He talks to us!
ReplyDeleteI remember my dreams most of the time too! vividly! personally I think IT IS one way God talks to me, J doesn't remember his dreams at all....like almost never! and it does say in the Bible that He gives dreams...so...it's a total gift I think.