Friday, March 26, 2010

The Talk Of The Town!!

We can be spotted all around town:-)

You know how some people have a quite disturbing ornament dangling from their trailer hitches? You know the one I am talking about, right? It is like a sac that is holding some "ornaments"? If not, private message me and we can talk...

We have created a new "family friendly" ornament, that is the talk of the town...literally:-)

My friend Cheryl and I were out driving...on one of our many road trips in town. I am a good driver. We were coming up to a stoplight and all of a sudden we heard this big bang and a dragging noise...

I do not do well in these situations...

I freaked out and slowly drove into a parking lot at a close by gas station.

We both got out of the van and had a look underneath. I was expecting a muffler or bumper or something like that on the ground...but we couldn't figure out what this item was...

We phoned Pete and told him what had happened. We weren't going to be able to get home and he would have to make his way to us to see what had gone on...

Upon further observance of the underside of our vehicle, I noticed that the spare tire was gone and **click** the light went on in my was the rack that holds the spare tire on the bottom of the van. Not a big problem at all!!

So, we were searching through the newly cleaned out van for something that we could use to hold it up until we got home.

That is when I found the babys know, the ones where the pair of mitts is strapped together with a string? Of course, they would just be temporary...until we got home and found a hanger or something.

Right? Right?

Well, we are the worst procrastinators in the world...this was at least a month ago...

This past Tuesday, I was taking Pooky to the speech therapist and an SUV pulled up beside me...they went out of their way to stop beside me (going into the turning lane when they were going straight).

She rolled down her window and I thought maybe she needed directions?

Nope, she was informing me that I had a pair of mittens hanging on the back of my van. I explained with a smirk, that we were holding up the rusty part on the bottom of the van...

She ready for this???

She said she thought maybe I had been in a hit and run...

Because obviously I ran that child over and never even noticed (not trying to be offensive)

The whole rest of the drive to and from the center, I was running the converstation through my head, because that is what I do.

And I questioned whether she was trying to be funny and maybe I didn't hear her properly...

Cause you know, she could have said she thought I was in a...







AHAHAHHA!! Ok, that was bad...anyhow, have a good night...I have some homework to do...