She showed me that her tooth was loose and I gave it a quick wiggle and indeed it was. I suggest she wiggle it a bit more to make it fall out before school...we have lost many teeth and definitely would lose one if it fell out at school...
She insisted that she didn't want it to come out at home because at school you get a little treasure chest to keep your tooth in to bring home...and that was a huge, she had a piece of soft bread for breakfast, and wouldn't go near anything else...had to keep that tooth in...
Off she went to school and Princess had picked her up after school...we had quite a bit of snow and there was no way I was maneuvering a double stroller on our sidewalks...
When they came home Princess and Cutie Pie both told me that 3 kids had lost their teeth that must have been save your tooth for school day...
...and sure enough she had a little, plastic treasure chest with her tooth in it...and the tooth fairy even remembered to come to the house that night...what a shock...(refer to my previuos posts about the tooth fairy!!)

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