Saturday, January 08, 2011

Oh Dear...What Are We In For??

Being number 5 in the line of kids means that the other 4 have broken past boundaries that were there at one point.  Lucky means that Faith will be exposed to some things that maybe first or second born kids will not see as early. 

So, that means iCarly, Hannah Montana, various older kid movies among other things.

Tonight, we realized that she really is ahead in that one area when we heard her walking around the house singing...

You ready for this one?

I don't know if I am ready for this...

"Baby, baby, baby oh..." in tune and on beat perfectly...

She is 3 and has a developmental delay, but can totally pick up on the latest songs out there!!  This must be because we sang to her since birth, on a daily basis...the songs just stick...

However, I would rather hear her singing Twinkle Twinkle, instead of Justin Bieber...



  1. That song is burned in my ears by my 8yr old and I want you to know...He must be your daughter from his ", ohhh" clutches.
