Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It was a good day!

Well, today we got a lot of schoolwork done. We have been falling behind in some areas, so it was nice to see. The kids science program today was about the constellations and galaxies and the universe. We made this cool viewer with a box and cut a hole in each end. We taped a paper with a constellation poked out from a pin, on one end and shone a flashlight in the other end. It was so cool to see the constellation show up on the ceiling.

The kids loved that. We did our geography and are taking a "trip" around Canada with pictures and stories. The kids are really enjoying that. I have decided that instead of fighting ds10 to do his math work, I am giving a half hour. When it is done, I mark his answers and leave it till the next day.

I am really finding that it is working. I think asking him to do a whole page overwhelms him and everyone finishes math VERY frustrated. Yesterday he only did 3 questions (long division...ahh) but today he was able to do 5. He seems to be able to grasp the concept better like this. And it was my dh's idea to boot (who knew he would figure out a way to make it work??)

So I am really enjoying this week of school. We may head out to the Children's Museum tomorrow with someneighbours. Not sure, we will wait to see what the weather is like.

Dh is going to take his bus license test on Monday, he thinks he is going to do fine. Once he passes we finally start to get a paycheck!! So it will be nice, and we will have him home a bit more during the day again.

I went to my meeting at Curves also. I hadn't been able to start the plan last week as I was sick. I am starting tomorrow, but I have lost another pound, so it wasn't a bust of a week.

I am going to head to bed now, so I will write more again tomorrow, hopefully!!

Good night


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