Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Changes and Reflections...

I have decided that even though, at this moment, I cannot take Faith off her Pediasure, I am going to start cutting out all other dairy in her diet. This is not easy for me to do, because I lack in the following through and consistency areas...believe it or not!!

So, I need to edjamacate myself in what the labels say, what stands for dairy, (what cheese CAN she eat??)etc...and my alternatives. At this point we are just making the change for her. We are not big milk/dairy consumers, so it is not too hard (except for the cheese!!). We will make her a dairy free pasta meal and freeze it in single portions and whenever we have a dairy meal for supper (or lunch) we will pull out hers and that way I am not cooking 2 meals...

Definitely a different way of thinking for me, again...I always swore that I would never make 2 meals...everyone was going to get what they got and enjoy it...no restaurant service here! But, if it really is an allergy then I need to accomodate Faith...or whichever child it was...but I am still about convenience...so I hope my plan works...I will keep you updated:0)

Any help in this new way of life for us is greatly appreciated...:-)

Now, this change has me reflecting again...what is up with that? I am back to square one with meds...(vitamins now) but everyday Faith is getting some kind of pill...I am becoming a pro at crushing pills, splitting them over many days, learning the amount of applesauce to mix them in...holding a mouth open, and then closed so she takes all of the pill...

The reflection here is that I am just relearning what I have been doing since the beginning, but now she takes these orally...it was so much easier just putting the meds in a syringe...(I am not complaining about no tube...trust me!!). I am seeing how much she has grown, that I have to do these extra steps now. This is also different, because we are not treating a symptom, we are helping to balance out her body and being...

We also do our funky new teeth brushing/gel/paste regimen at bedtime, along with the patching of her right eye and we are starting the compresses for her liver tonight too...and to add to this fun, we realized last night, as we went for our first swim this year, that we haven't bought her ear plugs because of her tubes...one more thing on the list.

Also reflecting and looking forward to more weeks like this one, where there are no appointments. I couldn't get over that fact when I looked in the daytimer at the beginning of the week. I looked back and it had been over a year (as far as my book goes) since we have had nothing planned for Faith. It is a definite positive sign and the light that I really needed to see... so I am enjoying my week...

We are on a break from therapy appointments until September, we don't do any out of town hospital trips until August and that is about it...

Anyhow, I am gonna run...I feel like I should be doing something, but have no energy, so I am just going to chill out on the couch and think about all the things I should be doing. Have a great sunny day everyone!!


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